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GuixHPC – Montpellier 8 au 10 novembre 2023

GuixHPC : adressing Reproducibility Challenge


Inria Academy supports via EuroCC2 project the 1st Workshop on Reproducible Software Environments for Research and High-Performance Computing

The First Workshop on Reproducible Software Environments for Research and High-Performance Computing will take place in Montpellier, France, November 8–10, 2023.

In the spirit of the research session of the Ten Years of Guix event and the earlier French-speaking Workshop on Reproducible Software Environments, this event will gather scientists and high-performance computing (HPC) practitioners—system administrators, engineers, and researchers—to share their experience building robust computational experiments with Guix and related tools. Meet the speakers.

The program spans three days, from Wednesday afternoon to Friday noon.

Wednesday 8 : Software reproducibility

Wednesday afternoon introduces reproducible software deployment with Guix as a foundation for reproducible research workflows.

Thursday 9 : Introductory tutorials & experience reports

Thursday morning will feature tutorials about Guix and related development tools by great experienced people. In the afternoon, research software engineers, system administrators, and scientists will share their experience with Guix in HPC and research.


Friday 10 : More tutorials!

Friday morning will conclude the events with tutorials to get you up to speed with Guix—from installation to packaging and cluster administration.


Attendance is free—as in “freedom” and as in “gratis”—but we kindly ask you to register so we can arrange tutorials and catering.